Alasinga Perumal
Author:  Alasinga Perumal M. C.
Language:   English
No of Pages:   354
This book is a biography of Sri Alasinga Perumal written by Swami Sunirmalananda of Sri Ramakrishna Math. Though there is a book titled 'Karma Yogi Alasinga Perumal', in Kannda, the Author of this book has attempted to present his biography from a slightly different angle in English. He has judiciously borrowed from the publications such as the 'Life of Swami Vivekananda by Eastern and Western Disciples', 'Letters of Swami Vivekananda', 'Reminiscence of Swami Vivekananda', 'Swami Vivekananda in the West', 'New Discoveries' and a number of sources including many websites. This volume is an earnest attempt to portray Alasinga Perumal's life and personality for English Readers. This book has been included in the Authorship of Sri Alasinga Perumal for easy access by readers.
Domain:  Historical
Remarks:  This book's Author is Swami Sunirmalananda of Ramakrishna Math, However, the book has been included in the Authorship of Sri Alasinga Perumal for easy access to the readers.
Category:  Biography
Sub Category: 
Publisher Name:  Adhyaksha, Sri Ramakrishna Math. Mylapore, Chennai 4
Published Year:  2012