Krishnakathaa Rahasyam
ಕೃಷ್ಣಕಥಾ ರಹಸ್ಯಂ
Author:  Jaggu Singararya (Shingaraingar)
Language:   Kannada
No of Pages:   51
The author embarked on making the Story of Sri Krishna Bhagavan more intriguing and interesting in this book and succeeded very well. This book has Sanskrit Sloka or verses written in Kannada with the meaning clearly explained for the benefit of people who have knowledge of Kannada. The secrets of Krishna's history are depicted in this book. The Author says that Sri Krishna did a lot of things similar to his earlier incarnations such as Matsya, Koorma etc. which are given in this book. In addition incidents from Srimad Raamaayana, Mahaabhaaratha and other puraanas have been used used in the book appropriately at different places in this book. It is a quite good book. Read on.
Domain:  Hinduism
Category:  Puraana
Sub Category: 
Publisher Name:  Sri Jaggu Shingaraarya
Published Year:  1936