Tarakabhaasa - Vaadasthaana
तर्कभाश - वादस्थान
Author:  Rangaswamy Iyengar H. R.
Language:   Sanskrit
No of Pages:   113
The original Author of this work is Tharkabhasa by Moksaakara Gupta who was a Buddhist and this book is about Buddhist logic. Aachaarya Dnnaaga is regarded as the father of Mediaeval Logic in India who systematized the Buddhist Logic. Although he was much criticized by his contemporary Hindu Brahmin teachers, this is a masterpiece on the subject known as Pramaana-Samucchhaaya. The Sanskrit original of this is not found and perhaps lost forever. The Author of this book collected a Tibetian version of this book scrutinized, edited and translated to Sanskrit. This book is the first Volume of the original work. The book is in Sanskrit and the Introduction in English.
Domain:  Ancient Science / Shastra
Category:  Logic
Sub Category:  Buddhist Logic
Publisher Name:  Oriental Research Institute, Mysuru
Published Year:  1943