Vasthu Paatagalu
ವಸ್ತು ಪಾಠಗಳು - ೧ನೆಯ ಸಂಪುಟ
Author:  Narasimhacharya R
Language:   Kannada
No of Pages:   224
This book by the Author is about Children's equipment, animals and birds. The Author has described all the necessities of Children and has provided details about animals, birds and snake to make the children get familiarized with them. This book has two volumes and this is the Vol-1 of the book. In the second volume the Author has described about plants and inorganic substance like metals etc. These two volumes provide quite a bit of information to kids.
Domain:  Children Books
Category:  Education
Sub Category: 
Publisher Name:  Dept. of Public Instruction, Mysuru
Published Year:  1920