Upanyaasa Shrenike matthu Hithokthigalu
ಉಪನ್ಯಾಸ ಶ್ರೇಣಿಕೆ ಮತ್ತು ಹಿತೋಕ್ತಿಗಳು
Author:  Ramanuja Iyengar M A
Language:   Kannada
No of Pages:   18
This book is about Hindu Philosophy. It is said the among the living beings, mammals are best and among these human is the best because of cognition. It is also said that to be born as a human among the many billions of living beings is not easily available. Using human's cognition, the human has created philosophy to help him live in the community and World. For this he will need to what is meant by Prameya (object to be known) and Pramaana (things to define the object). The Author has narrated this part of Hindu philosophy concisely very well. In addition to this the Author has also included Hithokthi (good and beneficial advice) and written the book in Kannada for the benefit of Kannada knowing people.
Domain:  Hinduism
Category:  Vedas
Sub Category: 
Publisher Name:  Aryamatha Sanjeevini, Mysuru
Published Year:  0000