The Vishnu Puraana is one of the eighteen Mahaapuranas, a genre of ancient and medieval texts of Hinduism. It is an important Pancharatra text in the Vaishnavism literature corpus. The manuscripts of Vishnu Purana have survived into the modern era in many versions. More than any other major Purana, the Vishnu Purana presents its contents in Pancalaksana format – Sarga (cosmogony), Pratisarga (cosmology), Vam?a (genealogy of the gods, sages and kings), Manvantara (cosmic cycles), and Vam??nucaritam (legends during the times of various kings). The Vishnu Puraana is written by Sage Vedavyaasa or Sage Parashara. The Author has translated this Puraana to Kannada for the benefit of Kannada speaking people. Only 77 pages are available in this book. The readers are requested to send the book to us for scanning and uploading if they have all the pages of this book by this Author.
Domain: Hinduism
Category: Puraana
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Publisher Name: Aryamatha Sanjeevini, Mysuru
Published Year: 0000
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