Yennai Vun Nenjil Vaazha Viduvaayaa, Krishnaa?
Author:  Thirunarayanan Mandayam Osuri
Language:   English
No of Pages:   2
The Author Dr. Mandayam Osuri Thirunarayanan from Miami, has written the lyrics for thiis song on Lord Krishna. In the song the author says that he gave birth to and also let Lord Krishna grow and live in his heart during his (the author's) lifetime. He wants to know if Lord Krishna will let the author live on in his (Lord Krishna's) heart after his (the author's) life on Earth ends. The lyrics are in Tamil language in English script. The Author says that "If you like the song, please sing it in your own way and send the recording to Partha Mandayam ( along with your permission to share it with others, and he will upload it to his website." The Author hopes a lot of people will sing the song, especially during Sri Krishna Jayanthi celebrations. Feel free to share the song with your family members and friends. The Author hopes that the readers will enjoy reading the lyrics and listening to the different renditions of this song. May Sri Krishna bless you all for ever.
Domain:  Religion
Category:  Poetry
Sub Category: 
Publisher Name:  Dr. M O Thirunarayanan, USA
Published Year:  2022